Cleaning in a child care center


This training will teach the steps to follow when cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting in a child care center. Information is gathered from the CDC, ServSafe®, The National Early Childhood Program Accreditation (NECPA), Rhode Island state licensing regulations, and Dr. Day Care policies and procedures.

From this training, you will learn how to ensure that all surfaces are clean and sanitized or disinfected to keep everyone healthy and safe.


After this training, you will be able to

    • Understand the importance of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.
    • Understand the key differences between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.
    • Understand official CDC classroom cleaning guidelines.
    • Explain how to clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces, classrooms, and any areas you may be responsible for.
    • Give examples of when and where to use each cleaning method.
    • Recognize the importance of handwashing and teaching children proper handwashing techniques.
    • Explain typical cleaning routines to follow in a successful child care program.


This training is primarily intended for use by those supporting infant, toddler, preschool, or school age children within group settings. This may include center-based teachers, family, group and center-based childcare providers and early childhood consultants.

Throughout this training, you will hear references to Dr. Day Care policies and procedures. Follow your early childhood center’s specific policies. If your center needs assistance in developing policies, contact or 401-475-7707 x222 for assistance.

For Kids Klub / Dr. Day Care teachers and staff, always check with your Administrator for the most up-to-date policies, procedures, or forms.


After completing this training, you will receive a certificate for 2 Professional Development hours.


Click on the course titles to progress through this training. All videos and quizzes must be completed to receive a training certificate.

How to operate a high quality School Age program


This training will demonstrate a developmentally appropriate and responsive learning environment for a School Age site.  From this training, you will learn about the typical routines and daily expectations in a school age setting.

Our programs are typically held in an elementary school cafeteria, gym, library, or classroom.


After this training, you will be able to

    • Understand typical routines and daily expectations in a school age program or classroom.
    • Understand how the environment influences the success of a program and how to run a successful program.
    • Recognize the importance of quality relationships between children and adults and begin to apply this knowledge.
    • Understand children’s behaviors and how to respond to challenges.
    • Understand the significance of establishing and maintaining communication with families.
    • Give examples of various hands-on learning activities that can be implemented in your school age program.
    • Explain the typical routine in a successful school age program.


This training is primarily intended for use by those supporting school age students within group settings. This may include center-based teachers, family, group and center-based childcare providers and early childhood consultants.

Throughout this training, you will hear references to Kids Klub/ Dr. Day Care policies and procedures. Follow your early childhood center’s specific policies. If your center needs assistance in developing policies, contact or 401-475-7707 x222 for assistance.

For Kids Klub / Dr. Day Care teachers and staff, always check with your Administrator for the most up-to-date policies, procedures, or forms.


After completing this training, you will receive a certificate for 2 Professional Development hours.

(This training is APPROVED in Rhode Island for DHS/Center-ELP training hours)

Click on the course titles to progress through this training. All videos and quizzes must be completed to receive a training certificate.

Positive guidance: Preschool children

This training is intended for Dr. Day Care teachers only.
No training certificate will be issued from this course, it will be issued from your Dr. Day Care Administrator.


Complete the following trainings at Virtual Lab School

1. Guidance: Preschool Children

2. Promoting Guidance: The Environment



After completion, your Administrator will give you a training certificate for 2 hours.  

Running a Kitchen at a child care center


This training will review expectations and routines in a child care facility’s kitchen.  At Dr. Day Care, we follow the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) meal patterns to ensure children and adults have access to healthy, balanced meals throughout the day.



After this training, you will be able to

  • Understand the typical daily routines that occur in a child care center kitchen throughout the day.
  • Use a variety of checklists and logs to maintain a safe kitchen environment.
  • Learn the importance of preventing foodborne illness.
  • Review CACFP meal pattern to ensure children have access to healthy, balanced meals throughout the day.
  • Review MyPlate and resources available to educate parents and families on healthy eating habits.

This training is primarily intended for use by those providing meals to children within group settings. This may include center-based staff, family, group and center-based childcare providers and early childhood consultants.

Throughout this training, you will hear references to Dr. Day Care policies and procedures. Follow your early childhood center’s specific policies. If your center needs assistance in developing policies, contact or 401-475-7707 x222 for assistance.

For Dr. Day Care teachers and staff, always check with your Administrator for the most up-to-date policies, procedures, or forms.


After completing this training, you will receive a certificate for 2 Professional Development hours.



Click on the course titles below to progress through this training.  All videos and questions must be answered to receive a training certificate.

Special needs: tips and information

Learn strategies and techniques used to promote success for children with behavioral needs in your classroom.  Understand the realities of working with children with challenging behaviors in an integrated environment.



After this training, you will be able to

  • Understand the Therapeutic Child Care Services program, behavior management, de-escalation/crisis interventions, and the classroom environment.
  • Recognize common behavior challenges in a child care setting.
  • Plan for how to teach children replacement behaviors to avoid escalation.
  • Understand techniques to support a responsive classroom environment such as a Safe Zone, picture schedule, Feelings Charts, Breathing & Relaxation techniques, etc.
  • Understand the seven stages of the escalation cycle and how to intervene at each of the seven stages.
  • Investigate behaviors as signals of underlying developmental issues.
  • Strategize ways to implement suggested techniques and strategies.


This training is primarily intended for use by those supporting children with special needs within group settings. This may include center-based teachers, family, group and center-based childcare providers and early childhood consultants.

Throughout this training, you will hear references to Dr. Day Care policies and procedures. Follow your early childhood center’s specific policies. If your center needs assistance in developing policies, contact or 401-475-7707 x222 for assistance.

For Dr. Day Care teachers and staff, always check with your Administrator for the most up-to-date policies, procedures, or forms.


After completing this training, you will receive a certificate for 2 Professional Development hours.

(This training is approved in Rhode Island for DHS training hours)


This course addresses these Rhode Island Workforce Knowledge and Competencies:
  • Domain 1: Physical and Mental Health, Safety, and Wellness
    • Understands the purpose of and follows current state and federal regulations including, but not limited to: · Child Care Licensing Regulations · IDEA · ADA · RI Regulations Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities
  • Domain 3: Development and Learning
    • General Knowledge of Domains, Stages, and Milestones
    • Fostering Healthy Attachment
    • Individual Needs and Differences
    • Identified Special Needs


Click on the course titles below to progress through this training.  All videos and questions must be answered to receive a training certificate.

Creating and supporting a responsive Toddler classroom environment

This training will demonstrate a developmentally appropriate and responsive learning environment for a toddler classroom. At Dr. Day Care, we refer to this as an Toddler Model Classroom. From this training, you will learn about the typical routines and daily expectations in a toddler classroom.


After this training, you will be able to

  • Understand typical routines and daily expectations in a toddler classroom.
  • Understand developmental milestones for toddlers.
  • Recognize the importance of quality relationships between toddlers and adults and begin to apply this knowledge to the classroom.
  • Describe environments and materials that support toddlers’ development.
  • Understand the significance of establishing and maintaining communication with families.



This training is primarily intended for use by those supporting toddlers within group settings. This may include center-based teachers, family, group and center-based childcare providers and early childhood consultants.

Throughout this training, you will hear references to Dr. Day Care policies and procedures. Follow your early childhood center’s specific policies. If your center needs assistance in developing policies, contact or 401-475-7707 x222 for assistance.

For Dr. Day Care teachers and staff, always check with your Administrator for the most up-to-date policies, procedures, or forms.


After completing this training, you will receive a certificate for 2 Professional Development hours.

(This training is APPROVED in Rhode Island for DHS/Center-ELP training hours)

Click on the course titles below to progress through this training.  All videos and questions must be answered to receive a training certificate.